why Wegener

catch our drift

wegener fur wide.jpg

Who is Alfred L. Wegener, what's with the quote, and what does he have to do with an internet tree-house for making art?

Wegener is the geophysicist, meteorologist & polar researcher who first proposed the theory of continental drift, which served as the foundation for the theory of plate tectonics.  The name “Continental Drift Club” was inspired by a secretive society of the same name dedicated to his legacy of climate research.

His words are featured here because we see a similar connectivity between many different kinds of creators* and creative communities as he saw between the forces of nature shaping our world.  

Perhaps by recognizing our relationship to each other as creators as innate, regardless of variations in tone, medium or locale, we can better serve each other as mutual support and inspiration, and see our work as part of a collective effort toward shaping ideal futures.

*are you a human? then you are a creator.


“The forces which displace continents are the same as those which produce great fold-mountain ranges. Continental drift, faults and compressions, earthquakes, volcanicity, transgression cycles and polar wandering are undoubtedly connected causally on a grand scale. ”

— Alfred L. Wegener